We Who Rest To Create: Winter Self-Care Series

Come prioritize yourself, foster healthy boundaries and sink deeper into relationship with your inner truth.

Join me in December for a Series focused on tapping into our Creative Potential and Divine Might by anchoring into pausing, reflections, & stillness.

Be a part of rewriting the future by relearning how to rest, still, slow, relax and listen.

When we slow down, tune in, and listen we can tap in to the very fabric of creation. We can reconnect with that part of us that is eternal and wise and omnipresent. From that place we can we can recreate the fabric of reality, rewrite the future.

Come Be Held In Deeply Embodied Space

Join In To Pause & Care for Your Body and Your Soul

The time is now to prioritize pleasure and rest.

The time is now to honor and revere our bodies, our temples, our soul’s home here on earth.

The time is now to awaken to the power and magic of creation that stirs within our bellies.

The time is now to reclaim the wisdom that resides in our blood and our bones.

In rest and stillness in where our inner wise voice whispers to us. When we reconnect with that voice we can tune in to our wants, needs and desires. From that place we can begin to craft the life we desire.

Instead of building lives we think we should love, we can take aligned action, saying yes only when we mean it.

I want us all to sit in the center of our lives and feel deeply in love with what we have created.

This event is for you if you’re feeling:

  • Afraid of all the uncertainty in our world
  • Tired from trying to always do the “right” thing
  • Overwhelmed by everything that’s happening
  • Pressure around interpersonal relationships
  • Inundated with information
  • Burt Out from navigating the change

This space is here to build your capacity to navigate fear, uncertainty and burn out. To build your capacity to restore and recharge yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed, inundated or overloaded.

Change is not going anywhere. Uncertainty & Overwhelm are unlikely to go away.

So how to we manage?? How do we cope??

It’s not by urgently and frantically pushing forward, it’s by relearning how to rest, still. slow, relax and listen.

Come prioritize yourself and sink deeper into relationship with your inner truth.

  • Together we will learn techniques to:
    • drop into our bodies
    • find peace and pleasure in stillness
    • calm and unwind our nervous systems
    • connect with our life force energy
    • initiate deep healing

We underestimate the power of our bodies, our energy, and our minds to create healing and rewrite the future. But We are powerful creative beings and we have the power to create our reality.

Reconnect with the creative might that lies in waiting within us all.

This is a 5 week series to prioritize ourselves and take our power back by anchoring into the healing power of slowing down and taking a pause.

What to expect:

Deep Embodiment, Grounding & Relaxation, Reiki Energy Healing, Energy Activations, Guided Meditations, Breathwork and Movement Practices, Journaling & Reflection, and space to connect with others

Let’s Remember All that We can Create when We Take Time to Rest

Find out more & Hear From Kristen

Check out this video from a retreat I held back in 2022. The dates are wrong but the message is still strong!

Find out more about why rest is so needing right now, and I’ll lead us through a grounding and embodiment activity so you can get a taste for what’s to come 🙂

Reconnect with the creative might that lies in waiting within us all.

Join me in December for a Series focused on tapping into our Creative Potential and Divine Might by anchoring into pausing, reflections, & stillness.

Register here.

Or reach out with questions.