Following the Meandering Path Inward Toward Truth, Labyrinths Ancient Tools of Spiritual Enlightenment

I’m being called back to the Labyrinth.

Labyrinths are ancient and date back 4,000 years or more. These meandering paths are spiritual and meditative tools rooted in Sacred Geometry. And unlike mazes, they have a singular path into and out of the center.

Before seated mediation and prolonged stillness were accessible to me, the Labyrinth offered me a way to tune into my inner self, and connect with higher powers.

Walking the Labyrinth sparked my inward journey.

Labyrinths give us an opportunity to become mindful of the path we walk. 

So often in life we get caught up in our daily routines, our schedules and our rhythms that we forget where we are going, why we are here.

But in the Labyrinth, we know that no matter which way we turn, we are always headed toward our center, the center, our goal, our promise.

In walking the Labyrinth, we remember that sometimes it may seem we are getting further from our intended goal (the center), and yet, when walking the Labyrinth, we can trust that we are making progress. 

This is a powerful lesson for us all to remember in our own lives.

Too often when we are headed toward our goal we see these twists, turns and detours as failures.

We misinterpret the meandering path for being lost. We may think we are getting no where. 

As a result, we turn around, we backtrack. 
We stop completely.
We refocus our efforts on figuring out how to get where we are going.
We never continue on long enough to reach our center, our goal.

As a result, we may internalize feelings of being not good enough, or of being a failure. We may give up completely or we may spend our lives endlessly starting over instead of following through and trusting ourselves.

I know this has been true for me. 

In our world, we are taught to think of progress a linear. We walk a straight and narrow path and eventually we reach our goal. We win, we succeed.

And for some people life may work out this way.

But this has not been the case for me. 

Or rather, the straight and narrow path got me somewhere, but it was not anywhere near my center.

Linear paths often bring us away from ourselves and toward an external goal or external image of success.

And while that can be appealing and can satiate our soul longing for a time. In the long term, that external achievement can never really satisfy what our inner most self craves.

This is why I find the Labyrinth so appealing as a spiritual and meditative tool.

The goal is focused inward, we are constantly moving toward the center, our center.

I believe that we have all the keys, and answers, and tools within. That deep down within us we know the truth, our truth. 

And in life we are on a journey to remember that truth that lives within.

And once we reach the center, and connect with that truth within us, we are then invited to walk the spiral path back out and to share that truth with the world.

As within, so without.

Unfortunately, our current paradigm does not teach or encourage us to look within for what we seek. Instead we are encouraged to look outside ourselves. 

And so many of us are on a path to RECLAIM OUR RIGHT TO LOOK WITHIN.

We are learning again how to tune into the cycles, and spirals.
We are reclaiming the meandering path.
We are tuning into the earth, and to ourselves. 

And while this may seem trivial, this call to spiral inward.

It is actually the most profound work that any of us can do right now.

Because when I spiral in: 

I remember that I am not separate from the world, I am a part of it.
I remember that we are all much more alike than we think.
I remember the love and abundance that is all around me.
I remember that suffering and pain are tools to broaden my heart and increase my compassion.
I remember my sacred promise to bring Divine Love into all aspects of my life (on earth as it is in heaven).

These profound but simple truths have been expounded by Spiritual Teachers throughout time. 

Enlightened ones discover their/our true nature from spiraling within.  From wandering deserts for 40 days and nights, from meditating under a bodhi tree, from waling the Labyrinth or sitting in silence on the top of a mountain.  

We find what we seek by going within.

The Labyrinth is one of many tools that we can use to go within and hear that truth that is waiting for us to have ears to hear. 

But we don’t have to seek out a labyrinth to spiral within (though if you want to here is a Labyrinth finder). 

We can spiral within anytime and anywhere, that’s what is so powerful about this message to turn inward: It is accessible to all of us, from where ever we are right now. 

We are communal beings .

When we spiral within together, we it is a powerfully transformative experience for us all. 

If you feel called to spiral within, then I invite you to join me every month for Online Moon Circles to Honor the New & Full Moons. Find out more here.

It is not always easy to spiral within, which is why gathering in community to do this work is so powerful.

Often what we find within is surprising, and not what we expect. This can cause us to doubt our experiences or to second guess the messages we receive. But when we gather in community, and hear from others we can see our experiences mirrored in the experiences of others.

And we can begin to feel normal in our seemingly abnormal experiences or insights.

We are here now to remember what we’ve always known.

If you feel called to this journey to remember, I’d love to support you.

Reach out or Schedule a FREE Call with Me today.

with love,

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